My Indoor Cat

8 Best Apartment Cat Breeds for Indoor Living

Best Apartment Cat Breeds

Are you a cat lover looking for a furry friend to share your apartment with? While it’s true that cats are known for their independence and adaptability, not all breeds are equally suited for life in a small space. 

This article explores some of the best apartment cat breeds, including male and female cats, independent cats, affectionate cats, and more. 

We’ll also provide tips on how to keep your indoor cat entertained and happy in their new home. So, let’s dive in and discover the best apartment cat just right for you.

Cat Breeds for Apartment Living

When choosing the best cat breed for apartment living, size and temperament are key. Smaller cats tend to do better in small apartments, while more affectionate breeds may be ideal for those who want a cuddly companion. 

Here’s a look at some of the top breeds that make great pets in an apartment setting.

Best Cats for Small Apartments

Devon Rex

Singapura, Munchkin, and Devon Rex cats are ideal for those with limited space, as they stay relatively small when fully grown at less than 10 pounds. 

Singapura cats are known for their affectionate and playful nature, making them great companions for apartment dwellers. They are also relatively small, making them a good fit for living in small spaces.

Munchkin cats are another excellent option for apartment living due to their short legs, which make them naturally adapted to indoor environments. They are friendly and adaptable cats that quickly adjust to new surroundings.

Devon Rex cats are known for their high energy and love of play, making them great apartment cats for owners with plenty of time to interact with their pets. They are also relatively small, making them easy to care for in smaller spaces.

Most Affectionate Cats for Apartment Living


Ragdoll and Persian cats can adapt well to apartment living, providing enough space and attention. Both breeds are known for their affectionate nature and can make great companions for owners willing to give them the love and attention they need.

Ragdoll cats are known for their laid-back personalities and are typically very affectionate and social with their owners. They are also relatively calm cats, which makes them a good fit for apartment living. However, they are larger than other cat breeds, so providing them with enough space to move around comfortably is essential.

Ragdoll cats are one of the heavier cats on this list, with an average weight between 10 to 20 pounds. 

Persian cats are also known for their affectionate personalities and are great indoor pets. They are calm and easy-going, which makes them a good fit for apartment living. However, they require regular grooming due to their long hair, which can be time-consuming for owners.

They weigh 7 to 12 pounds, making them smaller than Ragdoll cats.

Best Cats That Can Be Left Alone in an Apartment

British Shorthair

British Shorthair cats are known for their calm and affectionate personalities, making them an excellent fit for apartment living. They are generally quiet and independent cats that don’t require much attention but enjoy spending time with their owners.

British Shorthair cats are also relatively inactive compared to other breeds, so they don’t require a lot of space to exercise. They are content with lounging around the house and can be happy in smaller living spaces like apartments. They weigh 10 to 15 pounds, depending on their activity level – or inactivity!

Low Maintenance Cats for Apartments

Russian Blue

Russian Blue cats are an excellent fit for apartment living. They are known for their calm and gentle personalities, which makes them well-suited to living in a smaller space. They are not overly vocal and generally do not require much attention, making them a good fit for owners who work long hours or have a busy lifestyle.

Russian Blue cats are a low-shedding breed, requiring less grooming than other cats. This can be a big plus for owners looking for a low-maintenance cat that won’t leave much hair around the house.

Intelligent and adaptable, Russian Blue cats can quickly adjust to new surroundings and are generally good at entertaining themselves, which can be necessary for apartment living. They enjoy playing with toys and can be pretty active, so providing them with plenty of opportunities for exercise and stimulation is essential.

Russian Blue cats are generally healthy cats with few health issues. They can live up to 15 years or longer with proper care, making them a long-term companion for apartment owners. Weighing between 8 to 12 pounds, they are a small framed breed.


Bombay cats are a medium-sized breed, which means they only require a little space to move around and be comfortable. This makes them an excellent fit for apartments or smaller living spaces with little room to spare.

Affectionate and easy-going, Bombay cats can make them great companions for apartment dwellers. They are typically social cats enjoying spending time with their owners and are happy to curl up in a lap for cuddles and attention.

Bombay cats are also relatively low-maintenance compared to some other breeds. They don’t require a lot of grooming and are healthy cats with few issues. 

Intelligent and playful, Bombay cats benefit from toys and other stimulation forms to keep them entertained. They are also adaptable and can adjust well to new environments, which is essential for apartment living where there may be a limited amount of outdoor space or other opportunities for exploration.

They are slightly larger than some of the other cats on this list, with an average weight of 8 to 15 points. However, they are happy and comfortable being strictly indoor cats if you have the space.

Male vs. Female Cats for Apartments

best breed of cat for apartments

When selecting a cat for apartment living, gender can be a significant factor when assessing behavior and temperament. Males are usually more energetic and vocal, while females are quieter. 

Males may be more vocal and seek out contact with their owners, yowling or meowing to get attention. They may also meow or yowl more frequently as they seek out human interaction or attempt to communicate with other animals in the house. 

Female cats usually display less energy than males but still require regular exercise and mental stimulation through interactive toys or activities like playing fetch with a wand toy.

The primary benefit of having a male feline is that they tend to be quite adoring towards their guardians, particularly when neutered before sexual development takes hold. My cats are both males, and they are very affectionate.

On the downside, if left unspayed, male cats have higher levels of testosterone which can lead to increased aggression or territorial behavior if not managed properly. 

Female cats may not always show as much affection towards their owners but are generally calmer overall compared to males due to lower levels of testosterone production. 

Given the potential health risks of unneutered animals, such as uterine infections in females and testicular cancer in males, all cats must be spayed or neutered before adoption. 

Doing so helps reduce aggressive behaviors like spraying urine on furniture or scratching carpets/rugs due to hormones released during mating season. It eliminates any chance of unwanted litter being born into homes unable to provide adequate care. 

So ensure you get your furry friend fixed up before bringing them homeit’ll pay off dividends. 

Choosing between adopting a male vs. female cat will ultimately depend on individual preferences. Some people prefer the companionship an affectionate male provides, while others enjoy having a quiet companion who does not need constant attention as many females do. 

Before settling on a specific cat breed, I highly recommend visiting animal shelters and considering a rescue cat. Both my cats are from rescue homes, and they are healthy and well-adjusted to life in an apartment. It also enabled me to interact with various cats to understand their personalities before choosing. 

Adopting a Cat for Apartment Living

best apartment cats

Adopting a cat for apartment living can be a rewarding experience, but it’s vital to choose the right pet for your lifestyle. You can look for cats that need homes in many places, including shelters and rescue organizations. 

Animal shelters and rescue organizations are excellent starting points for finding cats needing a home. Online resources such as Petfinder provide additional options, where owners list cats needing homes due to an inability or unwillingness to care for them. 

This can help narrow the search by providing breed type and other pertinent details about each pet. 

It’s important to consider age, size, personality traits, health status, and any special needs when selecting a new feline friend. Preparing your home before bringing the cat in will help make the transition smoother and ensure everyone is safe and comfortable. 

Kittens require more attention than adults as they need socialization training, while older cats tend to be calmer overall with fewer behavior issues. 

Remember medical conditions or dietary requirements too. These won’t necessarily disqualify certain animals from being adopted by you. It is essential to understand all aspects involved beforehand to provide proper care. 

Living with cats in an apartment can be fulfilling. With proper enrichment ideas, you will have no problem keeping them entertained indoors. There’s no reason they can’t go outside eitherthis is where a balcony catio is handy.

Indoor Enrichment Ideas for Apartment Cats

best cats for small apartments

There are many ways to enrich the lives of indoor cats through playtime activities and particular furnishings explicitly designed with their needs in mind. By providing stimulating environments both inside and outside (if possible), you can help ensure that your furry friend stays healthy mentally and physically.

Try providing interactive toys such as puzzle feeders or feather wands that will engage their natural curiosity and hunting instincts. You can also make homemade toys out of everyday items like toilet paper rolls or cardboard boxes. 

Scratching posts and climbing trees allow cats to exercise their claws and explore new heights safely indoors. 

Training is another meaningful part of keeping indoor cats happy. Start by teaching basic commands like “sit” or “come” so they understand what you expect from them when inside the house. 

Providing positive reinforcement through treats or praise helps reinforce good behavior too. Also, try making some areas off-limits, so your cat knows where it’s safe to roam around without getting into trouble. 

For those looking for something more creative than traditional furniture, consider installing a catio (cat patio) on your balcony area (if you have one) for extra stimulation and fresh air. 

Catios provide plenty of space for lounging in the sun while protecting them from outside predators—plus, they look great too. Just make sure to limit your cat’s time in the catiothey are not cat cages to keep your cat in all day while you are at work.

If you don’t have access to outdoor space, adding shelves along walls provides additional places for perching high up where cats feel most secure—just ensure they’re properly secured first. 

Finally, remember window sills that offer prime birdwatching spots (with no chance of actually catching one.). 

Frequently Asked Questions About Best Apartment Cat Breeds

best cat for apartment living

What are the best cat breeds for apartment living?

Some of the best cat breeds for apartment living include the Persian, British Shorthair, Ragdoll, Sphynx, Birman, Russian Blue, and Maine Coon.

How much space do cats need in an apartment? 

Cats don’t need much space in an apartment as long as they have enough room to move around and play. However, it’s necessary to provide them with a scratching post, toys, and other forms of entertainment.

How often should I clean my cat’s litter box? 

You should clean your cat’s litter box at least once daily to prevent odors and keep your cat healthy.

Do cats need to go outside? 

Cats don’t need to go outside as they have enough indoor stimulation and entertainment. However, it’s essential to provide them with a scratching post, toys, and other forms of entertainment.

Keeping a cat in an apartment can be a great option for cat owners looking for a low-maintenance pet that can thrive in a smaller living space. 

While some cat breeds may be more suited to apartment living than others, the key to keeping any cat happy and healthy indoors is to provide them with an enriched and stimulating environment. Include plenty of toys, scratching posts, and other forms of stimulation to keep them entertained and opportunities for exercise and play. 

With the proper care and attention, cats can be perfectly content and happy living indoors and don’t need to go outdoors to lead a fulfilling life. 

So, whether you’re living in an apartment or a larger home, with some love and attention, you can provide your feline friend with the perfect environment to thrive.

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